Project title

Blooks – Tribos e Letras na Rede


Oi Futuro


Rua Dois de Dezembro, 63

Flamengo – Rio de Janeiro

Visitating information

07/08/2007 – 09/30/2007

Free admission

Sponsored by

Oi Futuro

Project realization



Idealization and curator

Heloisa Buarque de Hollanda


Bruna Beber e Omar Salomão

General coordinator

Elisa Ventura e Eva Doris Rosental

Executive production

Luiza Mello


Visual design and art direction

Sônia Barreto [Tecnopop]


Gustavo Moura

Production assistant

Arthur Moura


Architecture assistant

Tiago de Paula

Lighting and equipment

  1. L. Iluminação

Lighting, projection and sound


Lighting project

Samuel Betts

Assembly, lighting, projection and sound

Anderson Roberto Silva Araújo

Ronaldo Ferreira dos Santos

Rogério Kennedy

Sergio Dias

Scene sets


Press consultants

Diadorim Idéias e Comunicação

Ana Madureira de Pinho

Teresa Karabtchevsky

Graphic production

Sidnei Balbino

Conceived by the professor and literary critic Heloisa Buarque de Hollanda, the exhibit Blooks, Tribos e Letras na Rede (Blooks · Tribes and Words on the Net) highlighted the vast universe of the word that circulates in the internet, through interactive blogs, podcasts and sites, with the objective to map the literary creation of the new millenium. Examining 5 environments, the exhibit dives into the world of literary practice — which may include poetry, short stories, the interactive literature of the blogs, comics, graphics and cartoons — without failing to reflect the sense of excess characteristic of the net.

Project title

Atlas Américas


Oi Futuro


Rua Dois de Dezembro, 63 – Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro

Visiting information

06/25/2007 – 08/05/2007

Free admission

Project realization

Oi Futuro


Paulo Herkenhoff

General coordinator

Luiza Mello [automatica]

Executive production

Débora Monnerat [Orbita]

Production assistant

Arthur Moura [automatica]

Visual design

Sônia Barreto [tecnopop]

Designer assistant

João Doria


Ivan Pascarelli

Lighting and equipment

  1. L . Iluminação

Lighting project

Samuel Betts

Technical coordinator

Ronaldo Santos


Alan Homero

Jorge A. Pedra

Sérgio Dias

Scene sets


Press consultants

Claudia Noronha [CW&A]


Sonia Cardoso


Renato Rezende

Graphic production

Sidnei Balbino


Gustavo Lacerda

[Anima Projetos Culturais]

Curated by Paulo Herkenhoff, Atlas América (Atlas of the Americas) was held in Oi Futuro, Rio de Janeiro, between June and August 2007. The exhibition brought together 15 artists from different nationalities: Alan Michelson (EUA), Anna Maria Maiolino (Brasil), Damián Ortega (México), Dirceu Maués (Brasil), Donna Conlon (EUA), Fatimah Tuggar (Nigéria), Jennifer Allora e Guillermo Calzadilla (EUA e Cuba), Javier Tellez (Venezuela), José Alejandro Restrepo (Colômbia), Katie van Scherpenberg (Brasil), Kimsooja (Corea), Naiah Mendonça (Brasil), Miguel Angel Rios (Argentina) e Simone Michelin (Brasil). This collective perspective between countries and generations resulted in a selection of work that presented a mix of artists and media that offered the public a sort of critical and aesthetic mapping of contemporary production in the Americas.

Project title



Oi Futuro


Rua Dois de Dezembro, 63, Flamengo – Rio de Janeiro

Visiting information

12/18/2006 – 12/22/2006

Free admission

Sponsored by


Project realization

  1. Oi Futuro
  2. Anima
  3. Editora Casa da Palavra
  4. PACC – Programa Avançado de Cultura Contemporânea / UFRJ



Idealization and general coordinator

  1. Beatriz Resende
  2. Eva Doris Rosental
  3. Martha Ribas
  4. Gustavo Lacerda


  1. Beatriz Resende
  2. Bruno Beltrão
  3. Daniela Pereira de Carvalho
  4. Fernando Cocchiaralle
  5. Francisco Bosco
  6. Franz Manata
  7. Silvia Soter


  1. Bosco Brasil
  2. Dani Lima
  3. Leonel Brum
  4. Úrsula Resende

Curatorial assistant

  1. Cristina Amiran
  2. Khalil Charif

Production coordinator

Luiza Mello [Automatica]

Production assistants

Alice Damasceno e Arthur Moura [Automatica]

Art director

Christiano Menezes



Tomás Ribas


Gustavo Lacerda [Anima]

Editorial coordination

Casa da Palavra

  1. Julio Silveira
  2. Martha Ribas

Graphic project and photo

Christiano Menezes

Editorial production

Natalie Araújo Lima

Graphic production

Isabel Valle

Press consultants

Felipe Maciel [Factual]

Video editing

Bruno Prada

Scene sets



On Projeções

A Festival that brought together artists and critics from the fields of visual arts, dance, drama and literature, Contemporâneo (Contemporary) was held in Oi Futuro (Rio de Janeiro), in December 2006. Occupying the exhibit gallery, the theater and other areas of that space for 5 days, the event presented simultaneously a series of performances, theater and dance, video projections, readings, debates and book launches

With curators from different generations working collectively in each área, and an intensive schedule, the organization of the event involved numerous professionals and institutions expanding the working know-how of Automatica into other areas besides the visual arts.

Project title

Arquivo Geral – 2ª edição


Centro de Arte Helio Oiticica


Rua Luís de Camões, 68
Centro – Rio de Janeiro

Visiting information

09/30/2006 – 10/29/2006

Free admission


  1. A Gentil Carioca
  2. Anita Schwartz
  3. Galeria de Arte
  4. Arte em Dobro
  5. Arte 21
  6. Box 4
  7. Galeria Artur
  8. Fidalgo
  9. Galeria 90 Arte Contemporânea
  10. H.A.P.
  11. Laura Marsiaj
  12. Lurixs
  13. Marcia Barrozo do Amaral Galeria de Arte
  14. Mercedes Viegas Arte Contemporânea
  15. Novembro Arte Contemporânea
  16. Silvia Cintra

Sponsored by

Secretaria Municipal das Culturas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro


  1. Metrô Rio
  2. Coca-Cola


Paulo Venancio Filho

Production coordinator

Luiza Mello [Automatica]

Executive production

Débora Monneral [Orbita]

Production assistants

  1. Arthur Moura
  2. Bruno Monnerat


Ivan Pascarelli


Marcello Camargo [Museo]

Assembly assistants

  1. Alessandro Marcio
  2. Gomes Iglesias
  3. Marcio Araújo
  4. Rafael Souza

Scene sets


Graphic design project

João Lelo [BLOCO]


Sonia Cardoso


Steve Berg



Lighting project

Samuel Betts

Technical coordination

Ronaldo Santos


  1. Alan Homero
  2. Jorge A. Pedra
  3. Sérgio Dias

Press consultants

Raquel Silva


Gustavo Lacerda [Anima Projetos Culturais]


Paulo Cesar da Mota Nunes

Curated by Paulo Venâncio Filho, Arquivo Geral(General Archive) was a contemporary art exhibition, organized in Rio de Janeiro by 14 major galleries of the city, in September and October of 2006: A Gentil Carioca, Anita Schwartz Galeria de Arte, Arte em Dobro, Arte 21, Box 4, Galeria Artur Fidalgo, Galeria 90 Arte Contemporânea, H.A.P., Laura Marsiaj, Lurixs, Marcia Barrozo do Amaral Galeria de Arte, Mercedes Viegas Arte Contemporânea, Novembro Arte Contemporânea e Silvia Cintra.

The event united the work of 100 artists from all over the country and was held in the Centro de Arte Helio Oiticica, simultaneously with the International Biennial of São Paulo, includung Rio in the route of the main curators, art critics, directors of institutions, gallerists, artists, collectors and journalists that were visiting the country during that period.

Project title



Fundação Eva Klabin


Av. Epitácio Pessoa, 2480 – Lagoa, Rio de Janeiro

Visiting information

09/28/2006 – 11/15/2006

Free admission


Paulo Vivacqua


Marcio Doctors

Museology and assembly

Equipe Fundação Eva Klabin

Production coordinator

Luiza Mello

Production assistant

Arthur Moura

Press consultants

Claudia Noronha / CW&A Comunicação


Zeka Araújo


Absolut Vodka
Bernardo Pinheiro
TV Zero

Visita (Visit) was the fourth exhibition held by Automática for Projeto Respiração (Breathing Project) organized by Marcio Doctors in the Fundação Eva Klabin since 2004. This time, the carioca Paulo Vivacqua applied his spatial perspective in the use of light and sound, creating new environments and possibilities for the aesthetic enjoyment of the collection lodged in this house-museum.

The installation of the work involved the use of speakers, electric wiring, fluorescent lights, glass, mirrors and other devices, intended to create a subtle relationship between the work of Vivacqua, the household objects and the visiting public.

Project title

Nise da Silveira: caminhos de uma psiquiatra rebelde


Museu de Imagens do Inconsciente


Rua Ramiro Magalhães, 521

Engenho de Dentro – Rio de Janeiro

Visiting information

08/22/2006 – 08/22/2008

Free admission

Sponsored by

Ministério da Saúde, através do projeto de inventariança de acervos e arquivos de suas unidades

Museum of Images of the Unconscious

Director / Curator

Luiz Carlos Mello

Project coordinator

Gladys Schincariol

Research and disclosure

Eurípedes Júnior

Press relations 

Glória Chan

Marcílio Feitosa




Executive production

Luiza Mello [Automatica]

Art director and graphic design

Sônia Barreto e André Lima [Tecnopop]

Production assistant

Arthur Moura [Automatica]

Architecture and drawing of exhibition

Patricia Fendt e Washington Fajardo [Desenho Brasileiro]


Desenho Brasileiro


Jober Torres

Conceived to last two years, the exhibition Nise da Silveira: Caminhos de uma Psiquiatra Rebelde (Nise da Silveira: Paths of a Rebel Psychiatrist) was installed in 2006 in the Museu de Imagens to Inconsciente. The exhibition brought together in three modules a broad biographical material of the psychiatrist’s revolutionary life, as well as the rich scientific/artistic collection of the work of the inmates of the former National Psychiatrist Center of Engenho de Dentro (now Institute Nise da Silveira).

The installation introduces, through photographs, works and texts, the remarkable professional life of Nise, the contact and definitive support for the first inmate artists beginning in the 50s, and for the “live museum”, which consisted of the collection of the Institute’s contemporary artists. These segments were joined to a detailed chronology of the trajectory of one of the greatest Brazilians of our history.

Project title

Sonia Lins


Centro Cultural Telemar


Rua Dois de Dezembro, 63

Flamengo – Rio de Janeiro

Visiting information

06/03/2006 – 07/03/2006

Free admission


Instituto Telemar

Sponsored by



João Paulo Andrade

Centro Cultural Telemar

Casa da Palavra

Curator and museum project

Cláudia Zarvos

General coordinator

Luiza Mello [Automatica]


Cezar Moreira

Museum Project Assistant

Letícia Baião

Executive production

Débora Monnerat

Production assistant

Arthur Moura [Automática]

Audiovisual of exhibition

Sonia Lins

Daniel Zarvos

Graphic design project

Theo Carvalho [Tecnopop]


Pablo Dias [Tecnopop]


Rosalina Gouveia


Ligia Costa Leite


Tomás Ribas

Scene sets



ON Projeções

Exhibition held in the former Espaço Telemar (Rio de Janeiro) in 2006 and dedicated to the work of the visual artist Sonia Lins, deceased in 2003. Curated by Claudia Zarvos and designed by Tecnopop, it had at its core the development of Sonia’s work, focusing on the multiple visual usages of the word. Besides the works and installations, videographics brought movement to some of the artist’s proposals.

Project title

Espaço Urbano X Natureza Intrínseca


Espace Topographie de L’Art, Paris/França

Visiting information

11/09/2005 – 12/18/2005


  1. Brígida Baltar
  2. Cao Guimarães
  3. Eduardo Srur
  4. Fabiana de Barros e Michel Favre
  5. Gabriela Greeb
  6. João Modé
  7. Lia Chaia
  8. Lia Mena Barreto
  9. Lucia Koch
  10. Marcos Chaves
  11. Maria Carmen Perlingeiro
  12. Raul Mourão
  13. Rivane Neuenswander

Sponsored by

Vale do Rio Doce


Evangelina Seiller

Executive procuction

Luiza Mello

Legal counsel

  1. Renata Lisboa
  2. Araripe & Associados
  3. Advogados – Propriedade Intelectual

Press consultants

  1. Claudia Noronha
  2. CW&A

Brazil artwork transportation

Metropolitan Arts

France artwork transportation



  1. Porto Seguro
  2. RMRO Corretagem de seguros

Videos transcoding


Espaço Urbano x Natureza Intrínseca (Urban Space vs Inherent Nature) is a group show of Brazilian artists organized by Evangeline Seller in the Espace Topographie de L’Art, Paris, France, in 2005. Focusing on artists who began their careers in the 1980’s and 1990’s, it featured works by Brígida Baltar, Cao Guimarães, Eduardo Srur, Fabiana de Barros e Michel Favre, Gabriela Greeb, João Modé, Lia Chaia, Lia Mena Barreto, Lucia Koch, Marcos Chaves, Maria Carmen Perlingeiro, Raul Mourão e Rivane Neuenswander.

This was the first international exhibition handled by Automatica, whose responsibilities ranged from the transportation of the work to its installation, which included vídeos, photographs, sculptures and site-specific pieces.

Project title

Sem título (Show)


SESC Pompéia, São Paulo


Rua Clélia, 93



Entrada gratuita


Chelpa Ferro

  1. Barrão
  2. Luiz Zerbini
  3. Sergio Mekler

Project realization

15º Videobrasil Festival Internacional de Arte Eletrônica

Production coordinator

Luiza Mello [Automatica]

Chelpa Ferro’s assistant

Julio Callado


Daniel Carvalho

Project title

Estabilidade Provisória


Fundação Eva Klabin


Av. Epitácio Pessoa, 2480 – Lagoa, Rio de Janeiro

Visiting information

04/29/2005 – 05/29/2005


Chelpa Ferro

  1. Barrão
  2. Luiz Zerbini
  3. Sergio Mekler


Marcio Doctors


  1. Diogo Maia
  2. Julio Callado


Maria Regina do Nascimento Brito

Execution of the dinner table

André Alvim


Iso Milman Ateliê de Flores

Lighting project

Zé Luiz

Press consultants

Afflalo comunicação

  1. Claudia Afflalo
  2. Paula Musa

Graphic design

Tira Linhas Studio


Fabio Ghivelder


Limite Produções


  1. Diogo Maia (coordenação)
  2. Ana Maria Monteiro de Carvalho
  3. Felipe Pereira

Estabilidade Provisória (Provisional Stability) was the third exhibition produced by Automatica for Projeto Respiração (Breathing Project), which is organized by Marcio Doctors and has been held at the Fundação Eva Klabin since 2004. As suggested by the title, the exhibition of this collective of artists consisted in actions of dislocation, intervention, and erasure, subtle and provocative at the same time, in the space of the house-museum and its collection.

Working with a series of banal elements of our daily life — such as pots, aluminum paper, cigarette butts, beer glasses, thermos bottles — side to side with sophisticated antique pieces, the installation of the exhibition was fundamental to allow the artists’ ideas to achieve their aesthetic and poetic intentions.

Project title 

Citoplasma e Organóides


Ernesto Neto

Visiting information

11/11/2004 – 12/12/2004

Free admission


Marcio Doctors

Curatorial assistant 

Maria Klabin


Luiza Mello


Ateliê Ernesto Neto

Press consultants

Afflalo comunicação

  1. Claudia Afflalo
  2. Maria Clara Ribeiro Braga
  3. Paula Musa

Graphic design project 

Tira Linhas Studio


Vicente de Mello


Limite Produções


  1. Diogo Maia (coordenação)
Ana Maria Monteiro de Carvalho
  3. Felipe Pereira

In the second partnership of Automática and Projeto Respiração (Breathing Project), Ernesto Neto presented in 2004 the exhibition Citoplasma and Organóides. Curated by Marcio Doctors, this project consisted of a series of occupations of the space by contemporary artists in the Fundação Eva Klabin. For this edition, this artist from Rio de Janeiro created a group of works and interventions in the environment of the house-museum.

Made out of different fabrics, such as lycra, cotton, poliamida, polipropileno, as well as spices, beads, foam and herbs, his sculptures were conceived to occupy the premises of the Foundation, promoting an intimate aesthetic relationship between the futuristic aspect of Ernesto Netos’s work and the historic state of the house of Eva Klabin.